A Few Disclaimers

I value my privacy and the privacy of others. Thus, I will never use the real names of anyone I mention in my posts. I want to share my experiences of ministry and chaplaincy without compromising anyone, including myself, in the process.

I have chosen to target the content of my blog mainly to Catholics and especially to women who are Catholic chaplains or Catholic lay ecclesial ministers. However, I am also generally interested in the experiences of women ministers of all faith backgrounds. So I hope the blog will also appeal to people beyond these editorial parameters. In the end, we are all on the journey together, and it is a delight to share it with all kinds of people (as you will see from some of my posts about the positive influence of Buddhism, Judaism, and other -isms on my faith).

My choice to limit the scope of my blog is two-fold. One, I don't want to throw every passing thought onto it. Two, I encounter so many questions and quizzical looks from those to whom I minister that I think it's time I give voice to my experience as a Catholic laywoman. Clearly, no one knows a lot about us. And most of them are Catholics!

Which is a third reason to focus on Catholics. We need some serious catechesis in this Church, especially regarding its sacraments and pastoral care for the sick and the dying.

Lastly, I claim no official authority regarding Church teaching, tradition, or doctrine. I do not speak in the name of the Catholic Church. Rather, I try to maintain a dynamic, dialogical relationship with the institutional Church, and claim only the authority of my own experience.